Saturday, September 6, 2008

Landscaping Almost Done

We spent most of this morning making trips back and forth to Home Depot to get the landscaping done. First, we pulled the weeds and moved the irrigation out of the way, then headed to Home Depot for fill dirt.

I realize we could have gone to get fill dirt a million places, but it was cheap enough and convenient enough, so we just got bagged dirt (market topsoil replacement) at H.D.

First trip:

  • 12 Bags of Generic "Topsoil Replacement" (1 cu.ft./bag)
  • 6 Bags Miracle Grow Garden Soil (2 cu.ft./bag)
That barely put a dent in what we need.

Second trip:
  • 12 Bags Miracle Grow Garden Soil
That did better and we got things leveled out, but still about 4" too shallow, so we needed more. We discussed the number to get - and since 12 bags fit nicely in the SUV we just settled on that.

Third trip:
  • 12 Bags Miracle Grow Garden Soil
  • Garden Rake
  • Garden Weasel
  • Ground Cover & Stakes
In all, that pretty much did it - we do realize we'll need to fill in more once things settle after winter, but overall, it looks pretty good. (We got a few compliments from the neighbors - even at this stage.)

Next up was to move all of the mums to one location - we'll fill in with something that blooms in Spring to ensure there's SOMETHING here.

Last, we went to City Floral and got a few things that should last the winter (we'll see - we're planting REALLY late) and a few sale items (the purple tall things in the back) that were $4.99 and will likely die in the next 6 weeks. But overall, it looks pretty good.

Only thing left to do is get the recycled rubber mulch replacement (instead of cedar or wood chips) and layer that in. That will have to wait until next weekend - unless Brian gets ambitious tomorrow while I'm traveling to Chi.